Inventory Optimization

The Inventory Optimization API helps businesses meet customer demand by optimising their inventory.

Get started
Her business meets more customer demandHer business meets more customer demand
A clothing company makes hundreds of sales on their website
Rebecca replenishes 2000 products
Warehouse staff get notified on their handheld devices
She sees optimised order suggestions in the ERP
They select the products to pack and ship
She reviews the suggestions and makes changes as needed
Items are shipped the next day
Rebecca saves hundreds of hours with this data-driven approach
The warehouse always delivers on a first-in, first-out system
Her business meets more customer demand

Let's build great things, together...

Extend your software's potential

Warehouse logistics

Upload data, call our endpoints, and receive forecasts and optimised suggestions in your product.

Warehouse logistics

Upload data, call our endpoints, and receive forecasts and optimised suggestions in your product.

How the API works

The Inventory Optimization service consists of two key components: sales forecasting and inventory optimisation. The machine learning models for sales forecasting are trained on historical data for each individual product to predict future sales. The optimisation model provides concrete order suggestions based on expected sales and a set of constraints. With this automated flow, there is no need for manual, time-consuming analysis.

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