For developers

Connect to Europe's largest cloud ecosystem

With APIs that allow business-critical software to work together.

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Unlock the power of the ecosystem

We help businesses stay a step ahead

Create total solutions

Open APIs allow you to create one-stop-shop products that give customers all the services and functionality they need.

Speed up development time

Our network of connected products allows you to scale your feature set without weighing down development teams.

Gain a competitive advantage

With access to more reliable data, technology, and partnerships, you can reach and provide value to a wider customer base.

Our ecosystem by the numbers

2.3 billion 

API calls per month




increase in API calls across Visma Net

One platform, unlimited potential

With APIs, you can integrate multiple business functions into a single platform – and create an exceptional user experience. Looking for inspiration? Here's what our network of products and APIs make possible. Click each item to read more.

Accounting and financial management

Access all critical financial data, including accounts payable and receivable, general ledger, and financial reporting.

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Supply chain

Manage the flow of goods and services, including procurement, inventory management, and order fulfilment.

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Human resource
management (HRM)

Keep track of all personnel data and business processes, including employee information, contracts, and payroll.

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Take control of online sales by streamlining order processing, inventory management, and shipping.

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Project management

Make sure projects stay on time and on budget with real-time updates for scheduling, resource allocation, and cost.

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Manage every step of production, including planning, shop floor, cost, and quality management.

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Reporting and
data analytics

Provide real-time access to business data and enable data analysis and reporting to support informed decision-making.

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Customer relationship management (CRM)

Gain insight into your sales pipeline and track customer information, orders, and customer service interactions.

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Logistics and

Monitor operations, including shipment tracking and dispatching, product stock levels, and multi-carrier support.

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Why be part of an ecosystem?

Businesses rely on software for nearly every aspect of their operations, which continue to get more complex. It’s never been more important to prioritise integrated systems that simplify people’s lives and adapt to their needs. At Visma, we don’t just build great software – we create local ecosystems around our products with seamless integrations and industry-leading APIs. These APIs are designed to be used across the Visma ecosystem and for third-party integrations.

The ultimate goal? To strengthen and extend our offerings and empower our partners and customers to create smart, scalable, easy-to-use solutions. Because together, we can build great things.

"The only way to drive innovation forward is to give people the tools to solve their everyday problems. Our Open APIs do that, and more."

T. Alexander Lystad, Chief Technology Officer at Visma

T. Alexander Lystad, Chief Technology Officer at Visma

Security is our
top priority

As a leading provider of cloud-based software solutions, we recognise the significance of security in APIs. We implement strict measures to protect our customers’ sensitive information and to keep our systems and data secure.

How we work with security at Visma